Monday, August 11, 2014

The Artful Kimono

The kimono is the quintessential feminine robe. Simple in design and comfortable to wear. Based on the humble rectangle, it is also simple to construct. Last year I painted fabric to rebuild my man's favorite chair. I chose to create a large freezer paper stencil. I do mean large: 38" x 56". As I worked on cutting it out, I thought I might be insane! This was a lot of paper to move onto the plain fabric and I truly questioned my sanity and ability to get it straight! Turns out it was pretty simple. I acted like the magician pulling the table cloth out from under the dishes and it worked! Afterwards, I was left with the negative part of the stencil to use on another project.

I wanted to try some new air brush inks, so I proceeded to get that negative stencil on to some fabric. Because the stencil would keep areas white, I chose a silk/cotton that would shine!


This is how it looked after ironing the stencil on. The blackened areas are where the  fabric will stay white. I took the piece outside, on a non-windy day, and mounted it to my spare cutting board. I the started painting. This is how it looked after painting and fixing.

I needed a new short robe. I pulled out my kimono dimensions and started planning! There wasn't enough air brushed fabric for the entire kimono, but my stash contained a piece I had dyed from a pale blue to a seafoam green. It was perfect!

Kimono Front
Kimono Back
I love it when things come together! 

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