Thursday, January 9, 2014

Filling in the Blanks

 Once I had stared at the pieces long enough, I fleshed out the blocks and eliminated more of those straight lines! Now, it was simply a game of arranging the puzzle into something pleasing! This was a view of grouping the blocks by their main color. Boring!

 I tried lots of combinations, and ultimately the "Face" appeared, with input from my hubby! Now I was on to something! a "New Face" for our newest face in the family, Eli!

More time was spent looking and critiquing the layout until I came up with this:

Next the choice of background was made, and it was easy! I love the contrast of bright colors against black, so I photoshopped a black background in to see how it looked. 

This was it! Now for some sashing to separate the "blocks". I dyed a three step gradation of golden yellow because in my mind's eye it was my choice. Again, thanks to photoshop, I tested the gold and found it to be too dominant. I sat down with Dennis one morning, and we went through the rainbow of colors and found that fuschia seemed to be the best pick. Back to the dye vat! Here is "New Face" with its sashing complete and ready for quilting:


  1. Totally awesome & Eli is going to love love love it! This quilt is absolutely a one of a kind labor of love Sis and you do amazing work :)

    1. Thanks so much! I hope you will return often to see what I am up to!


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